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Our Lefse Pricing
Our lefse can be ordered in 6 packages (quarter case), 12 packages (half case) or 24 packages (full case).

CA, FL and AZ are shipped 3-Day Air or 2-Day Air
These three states can also go Ground with special packaging. Please call for more information.

Alaska and Hawaii:
Please call us for shipping.

All Other States:
Ground shipping is available to all other states,

3-Day and 2-Day Air can also be chosen in the checkout process.

Ground Shipping:
6 Package case: $51.00
12 Package case: $69.00
24 Package case: $89.00

3-Day Air:
6 Pkg. case: $71.00
12 Pkg. case: $89.00
24 Pkg. case: $129.00

2-Day Air:
6 Pkg. case: $75.00
12 Pkg. case: $94.00
24 Pkg. case: $139.00

* 3-Day Air shipped on Mondays and Tuesdays.
* 2-Day Air shipped on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
* Look for January specials next month.
Do you have any questions or comments for us? If so don’t hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help you. Call us at 1-800-584-6789 or use our contact page.